Screenshots and Info for 2D Fighter, Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butouden

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We found out last week that a new fighting game adaptation of the Dragon Ball Z: Butouden series is in the works for the 3DS, called Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butouden. It’s official website is now open, which is why we have some new information to share.

Although V-Jump stated that the game would have over 100 playable characters, to start, Bandai Namco will be revealing 24 fighters in the roster. So far, they include (click to enlarge):

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  • Goku, who will be a balanced character, and will make use of his Kaio-ken Kamehameha and Spirit Bomb moves.

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  • Vegeta, who will have a playstyle that focuses on quick movements, and use attacks like Final Flash and Gallick Gun.

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  • Gohan, who will appear as a teen. Dash attacks will give him reach, and he’ll have access to his Masenko and Explosive Madan moves.

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  • Appearing as his Future Super Saiyan self, Trunks will use surprise, mid-range maneuvers, which include the Buster Flash and Buster Cannon.

Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butouden is set to release some time this summer in Japan on the Nintendo 3DS.

In the meantime, us Westerners have Dragon Ball Xenoverse to look forward to, which launches today in North America and on the 27th in Europe.

Thanks, Shoryuken and Forbes.

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With over ten years' experience as an editor, Dimi is Niche Gamer's Managing Editor. He has indefinitely put a legal career on hold in favor of a life of video games: priorities.

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